
Saṁyutta Nikāya — The Connected Discourses

SN48: Connected Discourses on the Faculties

SN48:68 The Tree (2)

1"Bhikkhus, just as, among the trees of the Tāvatiṁsa devas the coral tree[n.243] Pārichattaka. I follow PED, though Liyanaratne explains the kiṁsuka as the coral tree ("South Asian Flora as Reflected in the Abhidhanappadipika," §43). According to PED, the pārichattaka is Erythmia indica, but it is questionable whether the celestial trees mentioned here and in the next two suttas correspond to actual botanical species. See PED for references. is declared to be their chief, so too, among the states conducive to enlightenment the faculty of wisdom is declared to be their chief, that is, for the attainment of enlightenment.

"And what, bhikkhus, are the states conducive to enlightenment? The faculty of faith … The faculty of wisdom … that is, for the attainment of enlightenment."

1"Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, ye keci devānaṁ tāvatiṁsānaṁ rukkhā, pārichattako tesaṁ aggamakkhāyati; evameva kho, bhikkhave, ye keci bodhipakkhiyā dhammā, paññindriyaṁ tesaṁ aggamakkhāyati, yadidaṁ – bodhāya.

Katame ca, bhikkhave, bodhipakkhiyā dhammā? Saddhindriyaṁ, bhikkhave, bodhipakkhiyo dhammo, taṁ bodhāya saṁvattati. Vīriyindriyaṁ … pe … satindriyaṁ … samādhindriyaṁ … paññindriyaṁ bodhipakkhiyo dhammo, taṁ bodhāya saṁvattati. Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, ye keci devānaṁ tāvatiṁsānaṁ rukkhā, pārichattako tesaṁ aggamakkhāyati; evameva kho, bhikkhave, ye keci bodhipakkhiyā dhammā, paññindriyaṁ tesaṁ aggamakkhāyati, yadidaṁ – bodhāyā"ti.
