
Saṁyutta Nikāya — The Connected Discourses

SN48: Connected Discourses on the Faculties

SN48:83–92 The Tathāgata, Etc.

To be elaborated by way of the faculties parallel to 45:139–48.

1(Appamādavaggo vitthāretabbo.)

2Tathāgata, footprint, roof peak,
Roots, heartwood, jasmine,
Monarch, the moon and sun,
Together with the cloth as tenth.

2Tathāgataṁ padaṁ kūṭaṁ,
mūlaṁ sārena vassikaṁ;
Rājā candimasūriyā,
vatthena dasamaṁ padanti.