SN51:12 Of Great Fruit
- fdg sc © Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi. (More copyright information)
1"Bhikkhus, these four bases for spiritual power, when developed and cultivated, are of great fruit and benefit. And how is it, bhikkhus, that the four bases for spiritual power, when developed and cultivated, are of great fruit and benefit? |
"Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu develops the basis for spiritual power that possesses concentration due to desire and volitional formations of striving, thinking: ‘Thus my desire will be neither too slack nor too tense; and it will be neither constricted internally nor distracted externally.’ And he dwells perceiving after and before: ‘As before, so after; as after, so before; as below, so above; as above, so below; as by day, so at night; as at night, so by day.’ Thus, with a mind that is open and unenveloped, he develops the mind imbued with luminosity. 2"He develops the basis for spiritual power that possesses concentration due to energy … concentration due to mind … concentration due to investigation … he develops the mind imbued with luminosity. |
3"When, bhikkhus, the four bases for spiritual power have been developed and cultivated in this way, a bhikkhu wields the various kinds of spiritual power: having been one, he becomes many … he exercises mastery with the body as far as the brahma world … . sn.v.268 |
4"When, bhikkhus, the four bases for spiritual power have been developed and cultivated in this way, a bhikkhu, by the destruction of the taints, in this very life enters and dwells in the taintless liberation of mind, liberation by wisdom, realizing it for himself with direct knowledge." |