SN51:5 In Part
- fdg sc © Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi. (More copyright information)
1"Bhikkhus, whatever ascetics or brahmins in the past generated spiritual power in part, all did so because they had developed and cultivated the four bases for spiritual power. sn.v.256 Whatever ascetics or brahmins in the future will generate spiritual power in part, all will do so because they will have developed and cultivated the four bases for spiritual power. Whatever ascetics or brahmins at present generate spiritual power in part, all do so because they have developed and cultivated the four bases for spiritual power. |
2"What four? Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu develops the basis for spiritual power that possesses concentration due to desire and volitional formations of striving. He develops the basis for spiritual power that possesses concentration due to energy … concentration due to mind … concentration due to investigation and volitional formations of striving. |
"Bhikkhus, whatever ascetics or brahmins in the past … in the future … at present generate spiritual power in part, all do so because they have developed and cultivated these four bases for spiritual power." |