
Saṁyutta Nikāya — The Connected Discourses

SN54: Connected Discourses on Breathing

SN54:5 Fruits (2)

All as in §3, with the following addition:

1"Ānāpānassati, bhikkhave, bhāvitā bahulīkatā mahapphalā hoti mahānisaṁsā. Kathaṁ bhāvitā ca, bhikkhave, ānāpānassati kathaṁ bahulīkatā mahapphalā hoti mahānisaṁsā? Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu araññagato vā rukkhamūlagato vā suññāgāragato vā nisīdati pallaṅkaṁ ābhujitvā ujuṁ kāyaṁ paṇidhāya parimukhaṁ satiṁ upaṭṭhapetvā. So satova assasati, satova passasati … pe … ‘paṭinissaggānupassī assasissāmī’ti sikkhati, ‘paṭinissaggānupassī passasissāmī’ti sikkhati. Evaṁ bhāvitā kho, bhikkhave, ānāpānassati evaṁ bahulīkatā mahapphalā hoti mahānisaṁsā.

2"When, bhikkhus, mindfulness of breathing has been developed and cultivated in this way, seven fruits and benefits may be expected. What are the seven fruits and benefits?

2Evaṁ bhāvitāya kho, bhikkhave, ānāpānassatiyā evaṁ bahulīkatāya satta phalā sattānisaṁsā pāṭikaṅkhā. Katame satta phalā sattānisaṁsā?

"One attains final knowledge early in this very life.

Diṭṭheva dhamme paṭikacca aññaṁ ārādheti;

"If one does not attain final knowledge early in this very life, then one attains final knowledge at the time of death.

No ce diṭṭheva dhamme paṭikacca aññaṁ ārādheti. Atha maraṇakāle aññaṁ ārādheti;

"If one does not attain final knowledge early in this very life or at the time of death, then with the utter destruction of the five lower fetters one becomes an attainer of Nibbāna in the interval.

"If one does not attain final knowledge early in this very life … or become an attainer of Nibbāna in the interval, then with the utter destruction of the five lower fetters one becomes an attainer of Nibbāna upon landing.

No ce diṭṭheva dhamme paṭikacca aññaṁ ārādheti, no ce maraṇakāle aññaṁ ārādheti. Atha pañcannaṁ orambhāgiyānaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā antarāparinibbāyī hoti …

… upahaccaparinibbāyī hoti …

"If one does not attain final knowledge early in this very life … or become an attainer of Nibbāna upon landing, then with the utter destruction of the five lower fetters one becomes an attainer of Nibbāna without exertion.

… asaṅkhāraparinibbāyī hoti …

"If one does not attain final knowledge early in this very life … or become an attainer of Nibbāna without exertion, then with the utter destruction of the five lower fetters one becomes an attainer of Nibbāna with exertion.

… sasaṅkhāraparinibbāyī hoti …

"If one does not attain final knowledge early in this very life … or become an attainer of Nibbāna with exertion, then with the utter destruction of the five lower fetters one becomes one bound upstream, heading towards the Akaniṭṭha realm.

… uddhaṁsoto hoti akaniṭṭhagāmī …

"When, bhikkhus, mindfulness of breathing has been developed and cultivated in this way, these seven fruits and benefits may be expected."

Evaṁ bhāvitāya kho, bhikkhave, ānāpānassatiyā evaṁ bahulīkatāya ime satta phalā sattānisaṁsā pāṭikaṅkhā"ti.
