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Puṇṇikā | Puṇṇātherīgāthā |
“I used to be a water-carrier. Even when it was cold,
I would always plunge into the water,
afraid of my mistresses’ beatings,
harassed by fear of abuse and anger. | 236
p_19Th2_312"Udahārī ahaṁ sīte,
sadā udakamotariṁ;
Ayyānaṁ daṇḍabhayabhītā,
vācādosabhayaṭṭitā. |
Brahmin, what are you afraid of,
that you always plunge into the water,
your limbs trembling
in the freezing cold?” | 237p_19Th2_313Kassa brāhmaṇa tvaṁ bhīto,
sadā udakamotari;
Vedhamānehi gattehi,
sītaṁ vedayase bhusaṁ". |
“Oh, but you already know,
Madam Puṇṇikā, when you ask me:
I am doing good deeds,
to ward off the wickedness I have done. | 238p_19Th2_314"Jānantī vata maṁ bhoti,
puṇṇike paripucchasi;
Karontaṁ kusalaṁ kammaṁ,
rundhantaṁ katapāpakaṁ. |
Whosoever young or old
performs a wicked deed,
by ablution in water they are
released from their wicked deed.” | 239p_19Th2_315Yo ca vuḍḍho daharo vā,
pāpakammaṁ pakubbati;
Dakābhisecanā sopi,
pāpakammā pamuccati". |
“Who on earth told you this,
one ignoramus to another:
‘Actually, by ablution in water one is
released from a wicked deed.’ | 240p_19Th2_316"Ko nu te idamakkhāsi,
ajānantassa ajānako;
Dakābhisecanā nāma,
pāpakammā pamuccati. |
Would not they all go to heaven, then:
all the frogs and the turtles,
gharials, crocodiles,
and other water-dwellers too? | 241p_19Th2_317Saggaṁ nūna gamissanti,
sabbe maṇḍūkakacchapā;
Nāgā ca susumārā ca,
ye caññe udake carā. |
Butchers of sheep and pigs,
fishermen, animal trappers,
bandits, executioners,
and others of evil deeds:
by ablution in water they too would be
released from their wicked deeds. | 242p_19Th2_318Orabbhikā sūkarikā,
macchikā migabandhakā;
Corā ca vajjhaghātā ca,
ye caññe pāpakammino;
Dakābhisecanā tepi,
pāpakammā pamuccare. |
If these rivers washed away
the bad deeds of the past,
then they’d also wash off goodness,
and thereby you would be excluded. | 243p_19Th2_319Sace imā nadiyo te,
pāpaṁ pubbe kataṁ vahuṁ;
Puññampimā vaheyyuṁ te,
tena tvaṁ paribāhiro. |
Brahmin, the thing that you are afraid of,
when you always plunge into the water,
do not do that very thing,
don’t let the cold harm your skin.” | 244p_19Th2_320Yassa brāhmaṇa tvaṁ bhīto,
sadā udakamotari;
Tameva brahme mā kāsi,
mā te sītaṁ chaviṁ hane". |
“I have been on the wrong path,
and you’ve guided me to the noble path.
Madam, I give to you
this ablution cloth.” | 245p_19Th2_321"Kummaggapaṭipannaṁ maṁ,
ariyamaggaṁ samānayi;
Dakābhisecanā bhoti,
imaṁ sāṭaṁ dadāmi te". |
“Keep the cloth for yourself,
I do not want it.
If you fear suffering,
if you don’t like suffering, | 246p_19Th2_322"Tuyheva sāṭako hotu,
nāhamicchāmi sāṭakaṁ;
Sace bhāyasi dukkhassa,
sace te dukkhamappiyaṁ. |
then don’t do bad deeds
either openly or in secret.
If you should do a bad deed,
or you’re doing one now, | 247
p_19Th2_323Mākāsi pāpakaṁ kammaṁ,
āvi vā yadi vā raho;
Sace ca pāpakaṁ kammaṁ,
karissasi karosi vā. |
you won’t be freed from suffering,
though you fly away and flee.
If you fear suffering,
if you don’t like suffering, | 248p_19Th2_324Na te dukkhā pamutyatthi,
upeccāpi palāyato;
Sace bhāyasi dukkhassa,
sace te dukkhamappiyaṁ. |
go for refuge to the Buddha, the poised,
to his teaching and to the Saṅgha.
Undertake the precepts,
that will be good for you.” | 249p_19Th2_325Upehi saraṇaṁ buddhaṁ,
dhammaṁ saṁghañca tādinaṁ;
Samādiyāhi sīlāni,
taṁ te atthāya hehiti". |
“I go for refuge to the Buddha, the poised,
to his teaching and to the Saṅgha.
I undertake the precepts,
that will be good for me. | 250p_19Th2_326"Upemi saraṇaṁ buddhaṁ,
dhammaṁ saṁghañca tādinaṁ;
Samādiyāmi sīlāni,
taṁ me atthāya hehiti. |
In the past I was related to Brahmā,
today I truly am a brahmin!
I am master of the three knowledges, accomplished in wisdom,
I’m a scholar and a bathed initiate.” | 251p_19Th2_327Brahmabandhu pure āsiṁ,
ajjamhi saccabrāhmaṇo;
Tevijjo vedasampanno,
sottiyo camhi nhātako"ti. |