| |
Isidāsī | Isidāsītherīgāthā |
In Pāṭaliputta, the cream of the world,
the city named for a flower,
there were two nuns from the Sakyan clan,
both of them ladies of quality. | 402p_19Th2_488Nagaramhi kusumanāme,
Pāṭaliputtamhi pathaviyā maṇḍe;
Dve bhikkhuniyo hi guṇavatiyo. |
One was named Isidāsī, the second Bodhī.
They both were accomplished in ethics,
lovers of meditation and chanting,
learned, crushing corruptions. | 403
p_19Th2_489Isidāsī tattha ekā,
Dutiyā bodhīti sīlasampannā ca;
Bahussutāyo dhutakilesāyo. |
They wandered for alms and had their meal.
When they had washed their bowls,
they sat happily in a private place
and started a conversation. | 404p_19Th2_490Tā piṇḍāya caritvā,
Bhattatthaṁ kariya dhotapattāyo;
Rahitamhi sukhanisinnā,
Imā girā abbhudīresuṁ. |
“You’re so lovely, Venerable Isidāsī,
your youth has not yet faded.
What problem did you see that made you
dedicate your life to renunciation?” | 405p_19Th2_491"Pāsādikāsi ayye,
Isidāsi vayopi te aparihīno;
Kiṁ disvāna byālikaṁ,
Athāsi nekkhammamanuyuttā". |
Being pressed like this in private,
Isidāsī, skilled in teaching Dhamma,
voiced the following words.
“Bodhī, hear how I went forth. | 406p_19Th2_492Evamanuyuñjiyamānā sā,
Rahite dhammadesanākusalā;
Isidāsī vacanamabravi,
"Suṇa bodhi yathāmhi pabbajitā". |
In the fine town of Ujjenī,
my father was a financier, a good and moral man.
I was his only daughter,
dear, beloved, and cherished. | 407p_19Th2_493"Ujjeniyā puravare,
Mayhaṁ pitā sīlasaṁvuto seṭṭhi;
Tassamhi ekadhītā,
Piyā manāpā ca dayitā ca. |
Then some suitors came for me
from the top family of Sāketa.
They were sent by a financier abounding in wealth,
to whom my father then gave me as daughter-in-law. | 408p_19Th2_494Atha me sāketato varakā,
Seṭṭhī pahūtaratano,
Tassa mamaṁ suṇhamadāsi tāto. |
Come morning and come night,
I bowed with my head to the feet
of my father and mother-in-law,
just as I had been told. | 409p_19Th2_495Sassuyā sasurassa ca,
Sāyaṁ pātaṁ paṇāmamupagamma;
Sirasā karomi pāde,
Vandāmi yathāmhi anusiṭṭhā. |
Whenever I saw my husband’s sisters,
his brothers, his servants,
or even he, my one and only,
I nervously gave them a seat. | 410p_19Th2_496Yā mayhaṁ sāmikassa,
Bhaginiyo bhātuno parijano vā;
Tamekavarakampi disvā,
Ubbiggā āsanaṁ demi. |
Whatever they wanted—food and drink,
treats, or whatever was in the cupboard—
I brought out and offered to them,
ensuring each got what was fitting. | 411p_19Th2_497Annena ca pānena ca,
Khajjena ca yañca tattha sannihitaṁ;
Chādemi upanayāmi ca,
Demi ca yaṁ yassa patirūpaṁ. |
Having risen bright and early,
I approached the main house,
washed my hands and feet,
and went to my husband with joined palms. | 412p_19Th2_498Kālena upaṭṭhahitvā,
Gharaṁ samupagamāmi ummāre;
Dhovantī hatthapāde,
Pañjalikā sāmikamupemi. |
Taking a comb, adornments,
eyeshadow, and a mirror,
I myself did the makeup for my husband,
as if I were his beautician. | 413
p_19Th2_499Kocchaṁ pasādaṁ añjaniñca,
Ādāsakañca gaṇhitvā;
Parikammakārikā viya,
Sayameva patiṁ vibhūsemi. |
I myself cooked the rice;
I myself washed the pots.
I looked after my husband
like a mother her only child. | 414p_19Th2_500Sayameva odanaṁ sādhayāmi,
Sayameva bhājanaṁ dhovantī;
Mātāva ekaputtakaṁ,
Tathā bhattāraṁ paricarāmi. |
Thus I showed my devotion to him,
a loving, virtuous, and humble servant,
getting up early, and working tirelessly:
yet still my husband did me wrong. | 415p_19Th2_501Evaṁ maṁ bhattikataṁ,
Anurattaṁ kārikaṁ nihatamānaṁ;
Uṭṭhāyikaṁ analasaṁ,
Sīlavatiṁ dussate bhattā. |
416He said to his mother and father:
‘I’ll take my leave and go,
I can’t stand to live together with Isidāsī
staying in the same house.’ | 416p_19Th2_502So mātarañca pitarañca,
Bhaṇati ‘āpucchahaṁ gamissāmi;
Isidāsiyā na saha vacchaṁ,
Ekāgārehaṁ saha vatthuṁ’. |
‘Son, don’t speak like this!
Isidāsī is astute and competent,
she gets up early and works tirelessly,
son, why doesn’t she please you?’ | 417p_19Th2_503‘Mā evaṁ putta avaca,
Isidāsī paṇḍitā paribyattā;
Uṭṭhāyikā analasā,
Kiṁ tuyhaṁ na rocate putta’. |
‘She hasn’t done anything to hurt me,
but I just can’t stand to live with her.
As far as I’m concerned, she’s just horrible.
I’ve had enough, I’ll take my leave and go.’ | 418p_19Th2_504‘Na ca me hiṁsati kiñci,
Na cahaṁ isidāsiyā saha vacchaṁ;
Dessāva me alaṁ me,
Apucchāhaṁ gamissāmi’. |
When they heard his words,
my father-in-law and mother-in-law asked me:
‘What did you do wrong?
Tell us honestly, have no fear.’ | 419p_19Th2_505Tassa vacanaṁ suṇitvā,
Sassu sasuro ca maṁ apucchiṁsu;
‘Kissa tayā aparaddhaṁ,
Bhaṇa vissaṭṭhā yathābhūtaṁ’. |
‘I’ve done nothing wrong,
I haven’t hurt him, or said anything bad.
What can I possibly do,
when my husband finds me so hateful?’ | 420p_19Th2_506‘Napihaṁ aparajjhaṁ kiñci,
Napi hiṁsemi na bhaṇāmi dubbacanaṁ;
Kiṁ sakkā kātuyye,
Yaṁ maṁ viddessate bhattā’. |
They led me back to my father’s home,
distraught, overcome with suffering, and said:
‘By caring for our son,
we’ve lost her, so lovely and lucky!’ | 421p_19Th2_507Te maṁ pitugharaṁ paṭinayiṁsu,
Vimanā dukhena adhibhūtā;
‘Jitāmhase rūpiniṁ lakkhiṁ’. |
Next my dad gave me to the household
of a second wealthy family-man.
For this he got half the bride-price
of that which the financier paid. | 422p_19Th2_508Atha maṁ adāsi tāto,
Aḍḍhassa gharamhi dutiyakulikassa;
Tato upaḍḍhasuṅkena,
Yena maṁ vindatha seṭṭhi. |
In his house I also lived a month,
before he too wanted me gone;
though I served him like a slave,
virtuous and doing no wrong. | 423
p_19Th2_509Tassapi gharamhi māsaṁ,
Avasiṁ atha sopi maṁ paṭiccharayi;
Dāsīva upaṭṭhahantiṁ,
Adūsikaṁ sīlasampannaṁ. |
My father then spoke to a beggar for alms,
a tamer of others and of himself:
‘Be my son-in-law;
set aside your rags and bowl.’ | 424p_19Th2_510Bhikkhāya ca vicarantaṁ,
Damakaṁ dantaṁ me pitā bhaṇati;
‘Hohisi me jāmātā,
Nikkhipa poṭṭhiñca ghaṭikañca’. |
He stayed a fortnight before he said to my dad:
‘Give me back my rag robes,
my bowl, and my cup—
I’ll wander begging for alms again.’ | 425p_19Th2_511Sopi vasitvā pakkhaṁ,
Atha tātaṁ bhaṇati ‘dehi me poṭṭhiṁ;
Ghaṭikañca mallakañca,
Punapi bhikkhaṁ carissāmi’. |
So then my mum and my dad
and my whole group of relatives said:
‘What has not been done for you here?
Quickly, tell us what we can do for you!’ | 426p_19Th2_512Atha naṁ bhaṇatī tāto,
Ammā sabbo ca me ñātigaṇavaggo;
‘Kiṁ te na kīrati idha,
Bhaṇa khippaṁ taṁ te karihi’ti. |
When they spoke to him like this he said,
‘If I can make do for myself, that is enough.
I can’t stand to live together with Isidāsī
staying in the same house.’ | 427p_19Th2_513Evaṁ bhaṇito bhaṇati,
‘Yadi me attā sakkoti alaṁ mayhaṁ;
Isidāsiyā na saha vacchaṁ,
Ekagharehaṁ saha vatthuṁ’. |
Released, he left.
But I sat all alone contemplating:
‘Having taken my leave, I’ll go,
either to die or to go forth.’ | 428p_19Th2_514Vissajjito gato so,
Ahampi ekākinī vicintemi;
‘Āpucchitūna gacchaṁ,
Marituye vā pabbajissaṁ vā’. |
But then the venerable lady Jinadattā,
learned and virtuous,
who had memorized the monastic law,
came to my dad’s house in search of alms. | 429p_19Th2_515Atha ayyā jinadattā,
Āgacchī gocarāya caramānā;
Tātakulaṁ vinayadharī,
Bahussutā sīlasampannā. |
When I saw her,
I got up from my seat and prepared it for her.
When she had taken her seat,
I honored her feet and offered her a meal, | 430p_19Th2_516Taṁ disvāna amhākaṁ,
Uṭṭhāyāsanaṁ tassā paññāpayiṁ;
Nisinnāya ca pāde,
Vanditvā bhojanamadāsiṁ. |
satisfying her with food and drink,
treats, or whatever was in the cupboard.
Then I said:
‘Ma’am, I wish to go forth!’ | 431p_19Th2_517Annena ca pānena ca,
Khajjena ca yañca tattha sannihitaṁ;
Santappayitvā avacaṁ,
‘Ayye icchāmi pabbajituṁ’. |
But my dad said to me:
‘Child, practice Dhamma right here!
Satisfy ascetics and twice-born brahmins
with food and drink.’ | 432p_19Th2_518Atha maṁ bhaṇatī tāto,
‘Idheva puttaka carāhi tvaṁ dhammaṁ;
Annena ca pānena ca,
Tappaya samaṇe dvijātī ca’. |
Then I said to my dad,
crying, my joined palms raised to him:
‘I’ve done bad things in the past;
I shall wear that bad deed away.’ | 433p_19Th2_519Athahaṁ bhaṇāmi tātaṁ,
Rodantī añjaliṁ paṇāmetvā;
‘Pāpañhi mayā pakataṁ,
Kammaṁ taṁ nijjaressāmi’. |
And my dad said to me:
‘May you attain awakening, the highest state,
and may you find the extinguishment
that was realized by the best of men!’ | 434
p_19Th2_520Atha maṁ bhaṇatī tāto,
‘Pāpuṇa bodhiñca aggadhammañca;
Nibbānañca labhassu,
Yaṁ sacchikarī dvipadaseṭṭho’. |
I bowed down to my mother and father,
and my whole group of relatives;
and then, seven days after going forth,
I realized the three knowledges. | 435p_19Th2_521Mātāpitū abhivādayitvā,
Sabbañca ñātigaṇavaggaṁ;
Sattāhaṁ pabbajitā,
Tisso vijjā aphassayiṁ. |
I know my last seven lives;
I shall relate to you the deeds
of which this life is the fruit and result:
focus your whole mind on that. | 436p_19Th2_522Jānāmi attano satta,
Jātiyo yassayaṁ phalavipāko;
Taṁ tava ācikkhissaṁ,
Taṁ ekamanā nisāmehi. |
In the city of Erakacca
I was a goldsmith with lots of money.
Drunk on the pride of youth,
I had sex with someone else’s wife. | 437p_19Th2_523Nagaramhi erakacche,
Suvaṇṇakāro ahaṁ pahūtadhano;
Yobbanamadena matto,
So paradāraṁ asevihaṁ. |
Having passed away from there,
I burned in hell for a long time.
Rising up from there
I was conceived in a monkey’s womb. | 438p_19Th2_524Sohaṁ tato cavitvā,
Nirayamhi apaccisaṁ ciraṁ;
Pakko tato ca uṭṭhahitvā,
Makkaṭiyā kucchimokkamiṁ. |
When I was only seven days old,
I was castrated by the monkey chief.
This was the fruit of that deed,
because of adultery with another’s wife. | 439p_19Th2_525Sattāhajātakaṁ maṁ,
Mahākapi yūthapo nillacchesi;
Tassetaṁ kammaphalaṁ,
Yathāpi gantvāna paradāraṁ. |
Having passed away from there,
passing away in Sindhava grove,
I was conceived in the womb
of a lame, one-eyed she-goat. | 440p_19Th2_526Sohaṁ tato cavitvā,
Kālaṁ karitvā sindhavāraññe;
Kāṇāya ca khañjāya ca,
Eḷakiyā kucchimokkamiṁ. |
I carried children on my back for twelve years,
and all the while I was castrated,
worm-eaten, and tail-less,
because of adultery with another’s wife. | 441p_19Th2_527Dvādasa vassāni ahaṁ,
Nillacchito dārake parivahitvā;
Kimināvaṭṭo akallo,
Yathāpi gantvāna paradāraṁ. |
Having passed away from there,
I was reborn in a cow
owned by a cattle merchant.
A red calf, castrated, for twelve months | 442p_19Th2_528Sohaṁ tato cavitvā,
Govāṇijakassa gāviyā jāto;
Vaccho lākhātambo,
Nillacchito dvādase māse. |
I drew a big plow.
I shouldered a cart,
blind, tail-less, feeble,
because of adultery with another’s wife. | 443p_19Th2_529Voḍhūna naṅgalamahaṁ,
Sakaṭañca dhārayāmi;
Andhovaṭṭo akallo,
Yathāpi gantvāna paradāraṁ. |
Having passed away from there,
I was born of a slave in the street,
with neither male nor female parts,
because of adultery with another’s wife. | 444p_19Th2_530Sohaṁ tato cavitvā,
Vīthiyā dāsiyā ghare jāto;
Neva mahilā na puriso,
Yathāpi gantvāna paradāraṁ. |
I died at thirty years of age,
and was reborn as a girl in a carter’s family.
We were poor, of little wealth,
greatly oppressed by creditors. | 445
p_19Th2_531Tiṁsativassamhi mato,
Sākaṭikakulamhi dārikā jātā;
Kapaṇamhi appabhoge,
Dhanika purisapātabahulamhi. |
Because of the huge interest we owed,
I was dragged away screaming,
taken by force from the family home
by a caravan leader. | 446p_19Th2_532Taṁ maṁ tato satthavāho,
Ussannāya vipulāya vaḍḍhiyā;
Okaḍḍhati vilapantiṁ,
Acchinditvā kulagharasmā. |
When I was sixteen years old,
his son named Giridāsa,
seeing that I was a girl of marriageable age,
took me as his wife. | 447p_19Th2_533Atha soḷasame vasse,
Disvā maṁ pattayobbanaṁ kaññaṁ;
Orundhatassa putto,
Giridāso nāma nāmena. |
He also had another wife,
a virtuous and well-known lady of quality,
faithful to her husband;
yet I stirred up resentment in her. | 448p_19Th2_534Tassapi aññā bhariyā,
Sīlavatī guṇavatī yasavatī ca;
Anurattā bhattāraṁ,
Tassāhaṁ viddesanamakāsiṁ. |
As the fruit of that deed,
they abandoned me and left,
though I served them like a slave.
Now I’ve made an end to this as well.” | 449p_19Th2_535Tassetaṁ kammaphalaṁ,
Yaṁ maṁ apakīritūna gacchanti;
Dāsīva upaṭṭhahantiṁ,
Tassapi anto kato mayā"ti. |