
Khuddaka Nikāya - The Minor Texts

Therigatha - The Verses of the Elder Nuns

Chapter 6: The Book of the Sixes

Paṭācārā, Who Had a Following of Five Hundred

127 “One whose path you do not know,
not whence they came nor where they went;
though they came from who knows where,
you mourn that being, crying, ‘Oh my son!’

127"Yassa maggaṁ na jānāsi,
āgatassa gatassa vā;
Taṁ kuto cāgataṁ sattaṁ,
‘mama putto’ti rodasi.

128 But one whose path you do know,
whence they came or where they went;
that one you do not lament—
such is the nature of living creatures.

128p_19Th2_183Maggañca khossa jānāsi,
āgatassa gatassa vā;
Na naṁ samanusocesi,
evaṁdhammā hi pāṇino.

129 Unasked he came,
he left without leave.
He must have come from somewhere,
and stayed who knows how many days.
He left from here by one road,
he will go from there by another.

129p_19Th2_184Ayācito tatāgacchi,
nānuññāto ito gato;
Kutoci nūna āgantvā,
vasitvā katipāhakaṁ;
Itopi aññena gato,
tatopaññena gacchati.

130 Departing with the form of a human,
he will go on transmigrating.
As he came, so he went:
why cry over that?”

130p_19Th2_185Peto manussarūpena,
saṁsaranto gamissati;
Yathāgato tathā gato,
kā tattha paridevanā".

131 “Oh! For you have plucked the arrow from me,
so hard to see, stuck in the heart.
You’ve swept away the grief for my son,
in which I once was mired.

131p_19Th2_186"Abbahī vata me sallaṁ,
duddasaṁ hadayassitaṁ;
Yā me sokaparetāya,
puttasokaṁ byapānudi.

132 Today I’ve plucked the arrow,
I’m hungerless, extinguished.
I go for refuge to that sage, the Buddha,
to his teaching, and to the Saṅgha.”

132p_19Th2_187Sājja abbūḷhasallāhaṁ,
Nicchātā parinibbutā;
Buddhaṁ dhammañca saṁghañca,
Upemi saraṇaṁ muniṁ".


133 Struck down with grief for my son,
deranged, out of my mind,
naked, my hair flying,
I wandered here and there.

133p_19Th2_189"Puttasokenahaṁ aṭṭā,
khittacittā visaññinī;
Naggā pakiṇṇakesī ca,
tena tena vicārihaṁ.

134 I lived on rubbish heaps,
in cemeteries and highways.
For three years I wandered,
stricken by hunger and thirst.

134p_19Th2_190Vīthi saṅkārakūṭesu,
susāne rathiyāsu ca;
Acariṁ tīṇi vassāni,

135 Then I saw the Holy One,
who had gone to the city of Mithilā.
Tamer of the untamed,
the Awakened One fears nothing from any quarter.

135 p_19Th2_191Athaddasāsiṁ sugataṁ,
nagaraṁ mithilaṁ pati;
Adantānaṁ dametāraṁ,

136 Regaining my mind,
I paid homage and sat down.
Out of compassion
Gotama taught me the Dhamma.

136p_19Th2_192Sacittaṁ paṭiladdhāna,
vanditvāna upāvisiṁ;
So me dhammamadesesi,
anukampāya gotamo.

137 After hearing his teaching,
I went forth to homelessness.
Applying myself to the Teacher’s words,
I realized the state of grace.

137p_19Th2_193Tassa dhammaṁ suṇitvāna,
pabbajiṁ anagāriyaṁ;
Yuñjantī satthuvacane,
sacchākāsiṁ padaṁ sivaṁ.

138 All sorrows are cut off,
given up, they end here.
I've fully understood the basis
from which grief comes to be.

138p_19Th2_194Sabbe sokā samucchinnā,
pahīnā etadantikā;
Pariññātā hi me vatthū,
yato sokāna sambhavo"ti.


139 “You’re so young and beautiful!
I too am young, just a youth.
Come, Khemā, let us enjoy
the music of a five-piece band.”

139p_19Th2_196"Daharā tvaṁ rūpavatī,
ahampi daharo yuvā;
Pañcaṅgikena turiyena,
ehi kheme ramāmase".

140 “This body is rotting,
ailing and frail,
I’m horrified and repelled by it,
and I’ve eradicated sensual craving.

140p_19Th2_197"Iminā pūtikāyena,
āturena pabhaṅgunā;
Aṭṭiyāmi harāyāmi,
kāmataṇhā samūhatā.

141 Sensual pleasures are like swords and stakes;
the aggregates are their chopping block.
What you call sensual delight
is now no delight for me.

141p_19Th2_198Sattisūlūpamā kāmā,
khandhāsaṁ adhikuṭṭanā;
Yaṁ ‘tvaṁ kāmaratiṁ’ brūsi,
‘aratī’ dāni sā mama.

142 Relishing is destroyed in every respect,
and the mass of darkness is shattered.
So know this, Wicked One:
you’re beaten, terminator!”

142p_19Th2_199Sabbattha vihatā nandī,
tamokhandho padālito;
Evaṁ jānāhi pāpima,
nihato tvamasi antaka.

143 “Worshiping the stars,
serving the sacred flame in a grove;
failing to grasp the true nature of things,
foolish me, I thought this was purity.

143p_19Th2_200Nakkhattāni namassantā,
aggiṁ paricaraṁ vane;
bālā suddhimamaññatha.

144 But now I worship the Awakened One,
supreme among men.
Doing the teacher’s bidding,
I am released from all suffering.”

144p_19Th2_201Ahañca kho namassantī,
sambuddhaṁ purisuttamaṁ;
Pamuttā sabbadukkhehi,


145 I was adorned with jewelry and all dressed up,
with garlands, and sandalwood makeup piled on,
all covered over with decorations,
and surrounded by my maids.

145p_19Th2_203"Alaṅkatā suvasanā,
mālinī candanokkhitā;

146 Taking food and drink,
staples and dainties in no small amount,
I left my house
and took myself to the park.

146p_19Th2_204Annaṁ pānañca ādāya,
khajjaṁ bhojjaṁ anappakaṁ;
Gehato nikkhamitvāna,

147 I enjoyed myself there and played about,
and then, returning to my own house,
I saw a monastic dwelling,
and so I entered the Añjana grove at Sāketa.

147 p_19Th2_205Tattha ramitvā kīḷitvā,
āgacchantī sakaṁ gharaṁ;
Vihāraṁ daṭṭhuṁ pāvisiṁ,
sākete añjanaṁ vanaṁ.

148 Seeing the light of the world,
I paid homage and sat down.
Out of compassion
the seer taught me the Dhamma.

148p_19Th2_206Disvāna lokapajjotaṁ,
vanditvāna upāvisiṁ;
So me dhammamadesesi,
anukampāya cakkhumā.

149 When I heard the great hermit,
I penetrated the truth.
Right there I encountered the Dhamma,
the stainless, deathless state.

149p_19Th2_207Sutvā ca kho mahesissa,
saccaṁ sampaṭivijjhahaṁ;
Tattheva virajaṁ dhammaṁ,
phusayiṁ amataṁ padaṁ.

150 Then, having understood the true teaching,
I went forth to homelessness.
I’ve attained the three knowledges;
the Buddha’s bidding was not in vain.

150p_19Th2_208Tato viññātasaddhammā,
pabbajiṁ anagāriyaṁ;
Tisso vijjā anuppattā,
amoghaṁ buddhasāsanan"ti.


151 I was born into an eminent family,
affluent and wealthy,
endowed with a beautiful complexion and figure;
Majjha’s true-born daughter.

151p_19Th2_210"Ucce kule ahaṁ jātā,
bahuvitte mahaddhane;
Vaṇṇarūpena sampannā,
dhītā majjhassa atrajā.

152 I was sought by princes,
coveted by sons of the wealthy.
One sent a messenger to my father:
“Give me Anopamā!

152p_19Th2_211Patthitā rājaputtehi,
seṭṭhiputtehi gijjhitā;
Pitu me pesayī dūtaṁ,
detha mayhaṁ anopamaṁ.

153 However much your daughter
Anopamā weighs,
I'll give you eight times that
in gold and gems.”

153p_19Th2_212Yattakaṁ tulitā esā,
tuyhaṁ dhītā anopamā;
Tato aṭṭhaguṇaṁ dassaṁ,
hiraññaṁ ratanāni ca.

154 When I saw the Awakened One,
the world’s Elder, unsurpassed,
I paid homage at his feet,
then sat down to one side.

154p_19Th2_213Sāhaṁ disvāna sambuddhaṁ,
lokajeṭṭhaṁ anuttaraṁ;
Tassa pādāni vanditvā,
ekamantaṁ upāvisiṁ.

155 Out of compassion,
Gotama taught me the Dhamma.
While sitting in that seat,
I realized the third fruit.

155p_19Th2_214So me dhammamadesesi,
anukampāya gotamo;
Nisinnā āsane tasmiṁ,
phusayiṁ tatiyaṁ phalaṁ.

156 Then, having shaved off my hair,
I went forth to homelessness.
This is the seventh day
since my craving dried up.

156p_19Th2_215Tato kesāni chetvāna,
pabbajiṁ anagāriyaṁ;
Ajja me sattamī ratti,
yato taṇhā visositā"ti.

Mahāpajāpati Gotamī

157 Oh Buddha, my hero: homage to you!
Supreme among all beings,
who released me from suffering,
and many other beings as well.

157p_19Th2_217"Buddha vīra namo tyatthu,
Yo maṁ dukkhā pamocesi,
aññañca bahukaṁ janaṁ.

158 All suffering is fully understood;
craving—its cause—is dried up;
the eightfold path has been developed;
and cessation has been realized by me.

158p_19Th2_218Sabbadukkhaṁ pariññātaṁ,
Hetutaṇhā visositā;
Bhāvito aṭṭhaṅgiko
Nirodho phusito mayā.

159 Previously I was a mother, a son,
a father, a brother, and a grandmother.
Failing to grasp the true nature of things,
I transmigrated without reward.

159 p_19Th2_219Mātā putto pitā bhātā,
ayyakā ca pure ahuṁ;
saṁsariṁhaṁ anibbisaṁ.

160 Since I have seen the Blessed One,
this bag of bones is my last.
Transmigration through births is finished,
now there’ll be no more future lives.

160p_19Th2_220Diṭṭho hi me so bhagavā,
antimoyaṁ samussayo;
Vikkhīṇo jātisaṁsāro,
natthi dāni punabbhavo.

161 I see the disciples in harmony,
energetic and resolute,
always staunchly vigorous—
this is homage to the Buddhas!

161p_19Th2_221Āraddhavīriye pahitatte,
Niccaṁ daḷhaparakkame;
Samagge sāvake passe,
Esā buddhāna vandanā.

162 It was truly for the benefit of many
that Māyā gave birth to Gotama.
He swept away the mass of suffering
for those stricken by sickness and death.

162p_19Th2_222Bahūnaṁ vata atthāya,
Māyā janayi gotamaṁ;
Dukkhakkhandhaṁ byapānudī"ti.


163 Guttā, you have given up your child,
your wealth, and all that you love.
Foster the goal for which you went forth;
do not fall under the mind’s control.

163p_19Th2_224"Gutte yadatthaṁ pabbajjā,
hitvā puttaṁ vasuṁ piyaṁ;
Tameva anubrūhehi,
mā cittassa vasaṁ gami.

164 Beings deceived by the mind,
playing in Māra’s domain,
ignorant, they journey on,
transmigrating through countless rebirths.

164p_19Th2_225Cittena vañcitā sattā,
mārassa visaye ratā;
sandhāvanti aviddasū.

165 Sensual desire and ill will,
and identity view;
misapprehension of precepts and observances,
and doubt as the fifth.

165p_19Th2_226Kāmacchandañca byāpādaṁ,
sakkāyadiṭṭhimeva ca;
vicikicchañca pañcamaṁ.

166 O nun, when you have given up
these lower fetters,
you won’t come back
to this world again.

166p_19Th2_227Saṁyojanāni etāni,
pajahitvāna bhikkhunī;
nayidaṁ punarehisi.

167 And when you’re rid of desire,
conceit, ignorance, and restlessness,
having cut the fetters,
you’ll make an end to suffering.

167p_19Th2_228Rāgaṁ mānaṁ avijjañca,
uddhaccañca vivajjiya;
Saṁyojanāni chetvāna,
dukkhassantaṁ karissasi.

168 Having wiped out transmigration,
and fully understood rebirth,
hungerless in this very life,
you will live at peace.

168p_19Th2_229Khepetvā jātisaṁsāraṁ,
pariññāya punabbhavaṁ;
Diṭṭheva dhamme nicchātā,
upasantā carissatī"ti.


169 Four or five times
I left my dwelling;
I had failed to find peace of heart,
or any control over my mind.

169p_19Th2_231"Catukkhattuṁ pañcakkhattuṁ,
vihārā upanikkhamiṁ;
Aladdhā cetaso santiṁ,
citte avasavattinī.

170 I approached a nun
and politely questioned her.
She taught me the Dhamma:
the elements and sense fields,

170p_19Th2_232Bhikkhunīṁ upasaṅkamma,
sakkaccaṁ paripucchahaṁ;
Sā me dhammamadesesi,
dhātuāyatanāni ca.

171 the four noble truths,
the faculties and the powers,
the awakening factors, and the eightfold path
for the attainment of the highest goal.

171 p_19Th2_233Cattāri ariyasaccāni,
indriyāni balāni ca;
Bojjhangaṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ,
uttamatthassa pattiyā.

172 After hearing her words,
I did her bidding.
In the first watch of the night,
I recollected my past lives.

172p_19Th2_234Tassāhaṁ vacanaṁ sutvā,
karontī anusāsaniṁ;
Rattiyā purime yāme,

173In the middle watch of the night,
I purified my clairvoyance.
In the last watch of the night,
I shattered the mass of darkness.

173p_19Th2_235Rattiyā majjhime yāme,
dibbacakkhuṁ visodhayiṁ;
Rattiyā pacchime yāme,
tamokhandhaṁ padālayiṁ.

174I then meditated pervading my body
with rapture and bliss.
On the seventh day I stretched out my feet,
having shattered the mass of darkness.

174p_19Th2_236Pītisukhena ca kāyaṁ,
Pharitvā vihariṁ tadā;
Sattamiyā pāde pasāresiṁ,
Tamokhandhaṁ padāliyā"ti.