SN17:7 The Poisoned Dart
- fdg sc © Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi. (More copyright information)
1At Sāvatthī. sn.ii.230 "Bhikkhus, dreadful are gain, honour, and praise … . Whom should one pierce with a dart smeared in poison, bhikkhus? A trainee upon whom come gain, honour, and praise while he has not yet reached his mind's ideal.[n.321] Be and Se read: Kaṁ bhikkhave diddhagatena visallena sallena vijjhatu? The reading in Ee is less satisfactory. Spk: Diddhagatenā ti gatadiddhena (Spk-pṭ: acchavisayutta ti va diddhe gatena); visallena ti visamakkhitena; sallena ti sattiya.
2"‘Dart,’ bhikkhus: this is a designation for gain, honour, and praise. So dreadful, bhikkhus, are gain, honour, and praise … . Thus should you train yourselves." |