
Saṁyutta Nikāya — The Connected Discourses

SN22: Connected Discourses on the Aggregates

SN22:18 Impermanent with Cause

1At Sāvatthī. "Bhikkhus, form is impermanent. The cause and condition for the arising of form is also impermanent. As form has originated from what is impermanent, how could it be permanent?

1Sāvatthinidānaṁ. "Rūpaṁ, bhikkhave, aniccaṁ. Yopi hetu, yopi paccayo rūpassa uppādāya, sopi anicco. Aniccasambhūtaṁ, bhikkhave, rūpaṁ kuto niccaṁ bhavissati.

"Feeling is impermanent … . Perception is impermanent … . Volitional formations are impermanent … . Consciousness is impermanent. The cause and condition for the arising of consciousness is also impermanent. As consciousness has originated from what is impermanent, how could it be permanent?

Vedanā aniccā. Yopi hetu, yopi paccayo vedanāya uppādāya, sopi anicco. Aniccasambhūtā, bhikkhave, vedanā kuto niccā bhavissati. Saññā aniccā … saṅkhārā aniccā. Yopi hetu yopi paccayo saṅkhārānaṁ uppādāya, sopi anicco. Aniccasambhūtā, bhikkhave, saṅkhārā kuto niccā bhavissanti. Viññāṇaṁ aniccaṁ. Yopi hetu yopi paccayo viññāṇassa uppādāya, sopi anicco. Aniccasambhūtaṁ, bhikkhave, viññāṇaṁ kuto niccaṁ bhavissati.

"Seeing thus … He understands: ‘ … there is no more for this state of being.’"

Evaṁ passaṁ … pe … nāparaṁ itthattāyā’ti pajānātī"ti.
