
Saṁyutta Nikāya — The Connected Discourses

SN35: Connected Discourses on the Six Sense Bases

SN35:241 The Simile of the Great Log (1)

1On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Kosambı on the bank of the river Ganges. The Blessed One saw a great log being carried along by the current of the river Ganges, and he addressed the bhikkhus thus: "Do you see, bhikkhus, that great log being carried along by the current of the river Ganges?"

1Ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā kosambiyaṁ vihārati gaṅgāya nadiyā tīre. Addasā kho bhagavā mahantaṁ dārukkhandhaṁ gaṅgāya nadiyā sotena vuyhamānaṁ. Disvāna bhikkhū āmantesi: "passatha no tumhe, bhikkhave, amuṁ mahantaṁ dārukkhandhaṁ gaṅgāya nadiyā sotena vuyhamānan"ti?

"Evaṁ, bhante".

"Yes, venerable sir."

"If, bhikkhus, that log does not veer towards the near shore, does not veer towards the far shore, does not sink in mid-stream, does not get cast up on high ground, does not get caught by human beings, does not get caught by nonhuman beings, does not get caught in a whirlpool, and does not become inwardly rotten, it will slant, slope, and incline towards the ocean. For what reason? Because the current of the river Ganges slants, slopes, and inclines towards the ocean.

"Sace so, bhikkhave, dārukkhandho na orimaṁ tīraṁ upagacchati, na pārimaṁ tīraṁ upagacchati, na majjhe saṁsīdissati, na thale ussīdissati, na manussaggāho gahessati, na amanussaggāho gahessati, na āvaṭṭaggāho gahessati, na antopūti bhavissati; evañhi so, bhikkhave, dārukkhandho samuddaninno bhavissati samuddapoṇo samuddapabbhāro. Taṁ kissa hetu? Samuddaninno, bhikkhave, gaṅgāya nadiyā soto samuddapoṇo samuddapabbhāro.

2"So too, bhikkhus, if you do not veer towards the near shore, do not veer towards the far shore, do not sink in mid-stream, do not get cast up on high ground, do not get caught by human beings, do not get caught by nonhuman beings, do not get caught in a whirlpool, and do not become inwardly rotten, sn.iv.180 you will slant, slope, and incline towards Nibbāna. For what reason? Because right view slants, slopes, and inclines towards Nibbāna."

2Evameva kho, bhikkhave, sace tumhepi na orimaṁ tīraṁ upagacchatha, na pārimaṁ tīraṁ upagacchatha; na majjhe saṁsīdissatha, na thale ussīdissatha, na manussaggāho gahessati, na amanussaggāho gahessati, na āvaṭṭaggāho gahessati, na antopūtī bhavissatha; evaṁ tumhe, bhikkhave, nibbānaninnā bhavissatha nibbānapoṇā nibbānapabbhārā. Taṁ kissa hetu? Nibbānaninnā, bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi nibbānapoṇā nibbānapabbhārā"ti.

When this was said, a certain bhikkhu asked the Blessed One: "What, venerable sir, is the near shore? What is the far shore? What is sinking in mid-stream? What is getting cast up on high ground? What is getting caught by human beings, what is getting caught by nonhuman beings, what is getting caught in a whirlpool? What is inward rottenness?"

Evaṁ vutte, aññataro bhikkhu bhagavantaṁ etadavoca: "Kiṁ nu kho, bhante, orimaṁ tīraṁ, kiṁ pārimaṁ tīraṁ, ko majjhe saṁsādo, ko thale ussādo, ko manussaggāho, ko amanussaggāho, ko āvaṭṭaggāho, ko antopūtibhāvo"ti?

3"‘The near shore,’ bhikkhu: this is a designation for the six internal sense bases. ‘The far shore’: this is a designation for the six external sense bases. ‘Sinking in mid-stream’: this is a designation for delight and lust. ‘Getting cast up on high ground’: this is a designation for the conceit ‘I am.’

3"‘Orimaṁ tīran’ti kho, bhikkhu, channetaṁ ajjhattikānaṁ āyatanānaṁ adhivacanaṁ. ‘Pārimaṁ tīran’ti kho, bhikkhu, channetaṁ bāhirānaṁ āyatanānaṁ adhivacanaṁ. ‘Majjhe saṁsādo’ti kho, bhikkhu, nandīrāgassetaṁ adhivacanaṁ. ‘Thale ussādo’ti kho, bhikkhu, asmimānassetaṁ adhivacanaṁ.

4"And what, bhikkhu, is getting caught by human beings? Here, someone lives in association with laypeople; he rejoices with them and sorrows with them, he is happy when they are happy and sad when they are sad, and he involves himself in their affairs and duties.[n.187] Also at SN22.3 (III 11,5–7). This is called getting caught by human beings.

4Katamo ca, bhikkhu, manussaggāho? Idha, bhikkhu, gihīhi saṁsaṭṭho vihārati, sahanandī sahasokī, sukhitesu sukhito, dukkhitesu dukkhito, uppannesu kiccakaraṇīyesu attanā tesu yogaṁ āpajjati. Ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhu, manussaggāho.

5"And what, bhikkhu, is getting caught by nonhuman beings? Here, someone lives the holy life with the aspiration to be reborn into a certain order of devas, thinking: ‘By this virtue or vow or austerity or holy life I will become a deva or one among the devas.’ This is called getting caught by nonhuman beings.

5Katamo ca, bhikkhu, amanussaggāho? Idha, bhikkhu, ekacco aññataraṁ devanikāyaṁ paṇidhāya brahmacariyaṁ carati: ‘imināhaṁ sīlena vā vatena vā tapena vā brahmacariyena vā devo vā bhavissāmi devaññataro vā’ti. Ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhu, amanussaggāho.

"‘Getting caught in a whirlpool’: this, bhikkhu, is a designation for the five cords of sensual pleasure.

‘Āvaṭṭaggāho’ti kho, bhikkhu, pañcannetaṁ kāmaguṇānaṁ adhivacanaṁ.

6"And what, bhikkhu, is inward rottenness? Here someone is immoral, one of evil character, of impure and suspect behaviour, secretive in his acts, no ascetic though claiming to be one, sn.iv.181 not a celibate though claiming to be one, inwardly rotten, corrupt, depraved.[n.188] Also at AN II 239,29–240,1, IV 128,23–26, 201,20–23; Ud 52,13–16, 55,10–13. On saṅkassarasamācāro, "of suspect behaviour," Spk says: "His conduct is to be recalled with suspicion (sȧkāya saritabbasamācāro) by others thus, ‘It seems he did this and that’; or else he recalls the conduct of others with suspicion (saṅkāya paresaṁ samācāraṁ sarati), thinking, when he sees a few people talking among themselves, ‘They must be discussing my faults.’" Spk glosses kasambujāto thus: rāgādı̄hi kilesehi kacavarajāto, "rubbish-like because of such defilements as lust, etc." This is called inward rottenness."

6Katamo ca, bhikkhu, antopūtibhāvo? Idha, bhikkhu, ekacco dussīlo hoti pāpadhammo asucisaṅkassarasamācāro paṭicchannakammanto assamaṇo samaṇapaṭiñño abrahmacārī brahmacāripaṭiñño antopūti avassuto kasambujāto. Ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhu, ‘antopūtibhāvo’"ti.

7Now on that occasion the cowherd Nanda was standing near the Blessed One. He then said to the Blessed One: "Venerable sir, I will not veer[n.189] I understand upagacchāmi here to be a true future form, in conformity with the futures that follow. towards the near shore, I will not veer towards the far shore, I will not sink in mid-stream, I will not get cast up on high ground, I will not get caught by human beings, I will not get caught by nonhuman beings, I will not get caught in a whirlpool, I will not become inwardly rotten. May I receive the going forth under the Blessed One, may I receive the higher ordination?"

7Tena kho pana samayena nando gopālako bhagavato avidūre ṭhito hoti. Atha kho nando gopālako bhagavantaṁ etadavoca: "ahaṁ kho, bhante, na orimaṁ tīraṁ upagacchāmi, na pārimaṁ tīraṁ upagacchāmi, na majjhe saṁsīdissāmi, na thale ussīdissāmi, na maṁ manussaggāho gahessati, na amanussaggāho gahessati, na āvaṭṭaggāho gahessati, na antopūti bhavissāmi. Labheyyāhaṁ, bhante, bhagavato santike pabbajjaṁ, labheyyaṁ upasampadan"ti.

"In that case, Nanda, return the cows to their owners."

"Tena hi tvaṁ, nanda, sāmikānaṁ gāvo niyyātehī"ti.

"The cows will go back of their own accord, venerable sir, out of attachment to the calves."

"Return the cows to their owners, Nanda."

"Gamissanti, bhante, gāvo vacchagiddhiniyo"ti.

"Niyyāteheva tvaṁ, nanda, sāmikānaṁ gāvo"ti.

Then the cowherd Nanda returned the cows to their owners, came back to the Blessed One, and said: "The cows have been returned to their owners, venerable sir. May I receive the going forth under the Blessed One, may I receive the higher ordination?"

Atha kho nando gopālako sāmikānaṁ gāvo niyyātetvā yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ etadavoca: "niyyātitā, bhante, sāmikānaṁ gāvo. Labheyyāhaṁ, bhante, bhagavato santike pabbajjaṁ, labheyyaṁ upasampadan"ti.

Then the cowherd Nanda received the going forth under the Blessed One, and he received the higher ordination. And soon, not long after his higher ordination, dwelling alone, withdrawn, diligent, ardent, and resolute … the Venerable Nanda became one of the arahants."

Alattha kho nando gopālako bhagavato santike pabbajjaṁ, alattha upasampadaṁ. Acirūpasampanno ca panāyasmā nando eko vūpakaṭṭho … pe … aññataro ca panāyasmā nando arahataṁ ahosīti.
