SN45:40 The Holy Life (2) [n.30] At this point Ee stops numbering these groups of suttas and designates them merely as peyyāla, “repetitions,” not as vagga; Se also calls them peyyāla but numbers them; Be numbers them and calls them peyyālavagga, “repetition groups.” My scheme for numbering the vaggas corresponds closest to Se, but my numbering of the suttas agrees with Ee straight through to the end.
- fdg sc © Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi. (More copyright information)
1At Sāvatthī. "Bhikkhus, I will teach you the holy life and the goal of the holy life. Listen to that … |
"And what, bhikkhus, is the holy life? It is this Noble Eightfold Path; that is, right view … right concentration. This is called the holy life. sn.v.27 |
"And what, bhikkhus, is the goal of the holy life? The destruction of lust, the destruction of hatred, the destruction of delusion. This is called the goal of the holy life." |