SN45:41 The Fading Away of Lust
- fdg sc © Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi. (More copyright information)
1At Sāvatthī. "Bhikkhus, if wanderers of other sects ask you: ‘For what purpose, friends, is the holy life lived under the ascetic Gotama?’—being asked thus, you should answer them thus: ‘It is, friends, for the fading away of lust that the holy life is lived under the Blessed One.’ |
"Then, bhikkhus, if the wanderers of other sects ask you: ‘But, friends, is there a path, is there a way for the fading away of lust?’—being asked thus, you should answer them thus: ‘There is a path, friends, there is a way for the fading away of lust.’ |
And what, bhikkhus, is that path, what is that way sn.v.28 for the fading away of lust? It is this Noble Eightfold Path; that is, right view … right concentration. This is the path, this is the way for the fading away of lust. |
"Being asked thus, bhikkhus, you should answer those wanderers of other sects in such a way." |