
Saṁyutta Nikāya — The Connected Discourses

SN46: Connected Discourses on the Factors of Enlightenment

SN46:111–120 Searches, Etc.

1"Bhikkhus, there are these three searches. What three? The search for sensual pleasures, the search for existence, the search for a holy life … ."

To be elaborated parallel to 45.161–70.

1"Tisso imā, bhikkhave, esanā. Katamā tisso? Kāmesanā, bhavesanā, brahmacariyesanā"ti vitthāretabbaṁ.

2Searches, discriminations, taints,
Kinds of existence, threefold suffering,
Barrenness, stains, and troubles,
Feelings, craving, and thirst.

Esanāvaggo dvādasamo.

2Esanā vidhā āsavo,
Bhavo ca dukkhatā tisso;
Khilaṁ malañca nīgho ca,
Vedanā taṇhā tasināya cāti.

3(Bojjhaṅgasaṁyuttassa esanāpeyyālaṁ vivekanissitato vitthāretabbaṁ.)