SN46:99–110 Strenuous, Etc.
- fdg sc © Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi. (More copyright information)
1[n.120] Ee wrongly numbers these suttas "99–100," which throws off the subsequent numbers. (Feer has corrected this error in his introduction to Part 5, p. v.) The following errors in Ee's numbering scheme should also be noted: Ee's block "100–110 (1–12)"—corresponding to my "111 (1)-120 (10)"—counts twelve suttas though there are only ten. (The summary verse in Be includes taṇhā-tasināya, but as the two are merged only ten suttas are counted.) Ee's block "154–164 (1–10)"—corresponding to my block "165 (1)-174 (10)"—has the right number of suttas but numbers them as if there were eleven."Bhikkhus, just as whatever strenuous deeds are done …" To be elaborated parallel to SN45.149–60. sn.v.136 |
2Strenuous, seeds, and nāgas,