SN48:7 Ascetics and Brahmins (2)
- fdg sc © Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi. (More copyright information)
1"Those ascetics or brahmins, bhikkhus, who do not understand the faculty of faith, its origin, its cessation, and the way leading to its cessation;[n.190] Spk: They do not understand them by way of the Four Noble Truths. The faith faculty originates from adverting by way of resolution (adhimokkha); the energy faculty, from adverting by way of application (paggaha); the mindfulness faculty, from adverting by way of establishing (upaṭṭhāna); the concentration faculty, from adverting by way of nondistraction (avikkhepa); the wisdom faculty, from adverting by way of seeing (dassana). So too, all the faculties originate from adverting by way of desire (chanda; Spkpṭ: wholesome desire to act, occurring in the mode of wanting to arouse the faculties) and from adverting by way of attention (manasikāra; Spk-pṭ: careful attention productive of adverting when it occurs weakly by way of the faculties). who do not understand the faculty of energy … the faculty of mindfulness … the faculty of concentration … the faculty of wisdom, its origin, its cessation, and the way leading to its cessation: these I do not consider to be ascetics among ascetics or brahmins among brahmins, and these venerable ones do not, by realizing it for themselves with direct knowledge, in this very life enter and dwell in the goal of asceticism or the goal of brahminhood. |
2"But, bhikkhus, those ascetics and brahmins who understand sn.v.196 these things … in this very life enter and dwell in the goal of asceticism and the goal of brahminhood." |