
Khuddaka Nikāya - The Minor Texts

Theragatha - The Verses of the Senior Monks

Chapter 8: Groups of Eight Verses

  • fdg sc Translated from the Pali by Bhante Sujato and Jessica Walton
8.1 Mahākaccāyanattheragāthā

494Don’t get involved in lots of work,
avoid people, and don’t try to acquire things.
If you’re eager and greedy for flavors,
you’ll miss the goal that brings such happiness.

495They know it really is a bog,
this homage and veneration in respectable families.
Honor is a subtle dart, hard to extract,
and hard for a sinner to give up.

494 p_19Th1_787"Kammaṁ bahukaṁ na kāraye,
Parivajjeyya janaṁ na uyyame;
So ussukko rasānugiddho,
Atthaṁ riñcati yo sukhādhivāho.

495p_19Th1_788Paṅkoti hi naṁ avedayuṁ,
Yāyaṁ vandanapūjanā kulesu;
Sukhumaṁ sallaṁ durubbahaṁ,
Sakkāro kāpurisena dujjaho.

496The deeds of a mortal aren’t bad
because of what others do.
You yourself should not do bad,
for mortals have deeds as their kin.

497You’re not a bandit because of what someone says,
you’re not a sage because of what someone says;
but as you know yourself,
so the gods will know you.

496p_19Th1_789Na parassupanidhāya,
kammaṁ maccassa pāpakaṁ;
Attanā taṁ na seveyya,
kammabandhū hi mātiyā.

497p_19Th1_790Na pare vacanā coro,
na pare vacanā muni;
Attā ca naṁ yathāvedi,
devāpi naṁ tathā vidū.

498When others do not understand,
let us, who do understand this,
restrain ourselves in this regard;
for that is how conflicts are laid to rest.

499A wise person lives on
even after loss of wealth;
but without gaining wisdom,
even a rich person doesn’t really live.

500All is heard with the ear,
all is seen with the eye;
the wise ought not forsake
all that is seen and heard.

498p_19Th1_791Pare ca na vijānanti,
mayamettha yamāmase;
Ye ca tattha vijānanti,
tato sammanti medhagā.

499p_19Th1_792Jīvate vāpi sappañño,
api vittaparikkhayo;
Paññāya ca alābhena,
vittavāpi na jīvati.

500p_19Th1_793Sabbaṁ suṇāti sotena,
sabbaṁ passati cakkhunā;
Na ca diṭṭhaṁ sutaṁ dhīro,
sabbaṁ ujjhitumarahati.

501Though you have eyes, be as if blind;
though you have ears, be as if deaf;
though you have wisdom, be as if dumb;
though you have strength, be as if feeble.
And when issues come up
lie as still as a corpse.

501p_19Th1_794Cakkhumāssa yathā andho,
sotavā badhiro yathā;
Paññavāssa yathā mūgo,
balavā dubbaloriva;
Atha atthe samuppanne,
sayetha matasāyikan”ti.

8.2 Sirimittattheragāthā

502Free of anger and acrimony,
free of deceit, and rid of slander;
that’s how such a mendicant
doesn’t grieve after passing away.

503Free of anger and acrimony,
free of deceit, and rid of slander;
that’s how a mendicant with sense doors always guarded
doesn’t grieve after passing away.

504Free of anger and acrimony,
free of deceit, and rid of slander;
that’s how a mendicant of good morals
doesn’t grieve after passing away.

amāyo rittapesuṇo;
Sa ve tādisako bhikkhu,
evaṁ pecca na socati.

amāyo rittapesuṇo;
Guttadvāro sadā bhikkhu,
evaṁ pecca na socati.

amāyo rittapesuṇo;
Kalyāṇasīlo so bhikkhu,
evaṁ pecca na socati.

505Free of anger and acrimony,
free of deceit, and rid of slander;
that’s how a mendicant with good friends
doesn’t grieve after passing away.

amāyo rittapesuṇo;
Kalyāṇamitto so bhikkhu,
evaṁ pecca na socati.

506Free of anger and acrimony,
free of deceit, and rid of slander;
that’s how a mendicant of good wisdom,
doesn’t grieve after passing away.

506 p_19Th1_800Akkodhanonupanāhī,
amāyo rittapesuṇo;
Kalyāṇapañño so bhikkhu,
evaṁ pecca na socati.

507Whoever has faith in the Realized One,
unwavering and well grounded;
whose ethical conduct is good,
praised and loved by the noble ones;

507p_19Th1_801Yassa saddhā tathāgate,
acalā suppatiṭṭhitā;
Sīlañca yassa kalyāṇaṁ,
ariyakantaṁ pasaṁsitaṁ.

508who has confidence in the Saṅgha,
and correct view:
they’re said to be prosperous;
their life is not in vain.

508p_19Th1_802Saṁghe pasādo yassatthi,
ujubhūtañca dassanaṁ;
‘Adaliddo’ti taṁ āhu,
amoghaṁ tassa jīvitaṁ.

509So let the wise devote themselves
to faith, ethical behavior,
confidence, and insight into the teaching,
remembering the instructions of the Buddhas.

509p_19Th1_803Tasmā saddhañca sīlañca,
pasādaṁ dhammadassanaṁ;
Anuyuñjetha medhāvī,
saraṁ buddhāna sāsanan"ti.

8.3 Mahāpanthakattheragāthā

510When I first saw the Teacher
who fears nothing from any quarter,
I was struck with a sense of urgency,
seeing the supreme among men.

511Anyone who, having found such a Teacher,
would lose them again,
is like one who, when approached by Lady Luck,
would ward her off with their hands and feet.

512Then I left behind my children and wives,
my riches and my grain;
I had my hair and beard cut off,
and went forth to homelessness.

513Endowed with the monastic training and livelihood,
my sense faculties well-restrained,
paying homage to the Buddha,
I meditated undefeated.

514Then a wish occurred to me,
my heart’s truest wish:
I wouldn’t sit down, not even for a minute,
until the dart of craving was plucked.

515As I meditate like this,
see my energy and vigor!
I’ve attained the three knowledges,
and fulfilled the Buddha’s instructions.

516I know my past lives,
my clairvoyance is clarified;
I’m perfected, worthy of offerings,
liberated, free of attachments.

517Then, at the end of the night,
as the rising of the sun drew near,
all craving was dried up,
so I sat down cross-legged.

510p_19Th1_805"Yadā paṭhamamaddakkhiṁ,
Tato me ahu saṁvego,
passitvā purisuttamaṁ.

511p_19Th1_806Siriṁ hatthehi pādehi,
yo paṇāmeyya āgataṁ;
Etādisaṁ so satthāraṁ,
ārādhetvā virādhaye.

512p_19Th1_807Tadāhaṁ puttadārañca,
dhanadhaññañca chaḍḍayiṁ;
Kesamassūni chedetvā,
pabbajiṁ anagāriyaṁ.

indriyesu susaṁvuto;
Namassamāno sambuddhaṁ,
vihāsiṁ aparājito.

514p_19Th1_809Tato me paṇidhī āsi,
cetaso abhipatthito;
Na nisīde muhuttampi,
taṇhāsalle anūhate.

515p_19Th1_810Tassa mevaṁ viharato,
passa vīriyaparakkamaṁ;
Tisso vijjā anuppattā,
kataṁ buddhassa sāsanaṁ.

516p_19Th1_811Pubbenivāsaṁ jānāmi,
dibbacakkhu visodhitaṁ;
Arahā dakkhiṇeyyomhi,
vippamutto nirūpadhi.

517p_19Th1_812Tato ratyā Sabbaṁ taṇhaṁ visosetvā,
Tato ratyā vivasāne,
sūriyuggamanaṁ pati;
Sabbaṁ taṇhaṁ visosetvā,
pallaṅkena upāvisin"ti.