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Sīsūpacālā | Sīsūpacālātherīgāthā |
“A nun accomplished in ethics,
her sense faculties well-restrained,
would realize the peaceful state,
so irresistible, delicious and nutritious.” | 196p_19Th2_264"Bhikkhunī sīlasampannā,
indriyesu susaṁvutā;
Adhigacche padaṁ santaṁ,
asecanakamojavaṁ". |
“There are the Gods of the Thirty-Three, and those of Yama;
also the Joyful Deities,
the Gods Who Love to Create,
and the Gods Who Control the Creations of Others.
Set your heart on such places,
where you used to live.” | 197p_19Th2_265"Tāvatiṁsā ca yāmā ca,
tusitā cāpi devatā;
Nimmānaratino devā,
ye devā vasavattino;
Tattha cittaṁ paṇīdhehi,
yattha te vusitaṁ pure". |
“The Gods of the Thirty-Three, and those of Yama;
also the Joyful Deities,
the Gods Who Love to Create,
and the Gods Who Control the Creations of Others— | 198p_19Th2_266"Tāvatiṁsā ca yāmā ca,
tusitā cāpi devatā;
Nimmānaratino devā,
ye devā vasavattino. |
time after time, life after life,
are governed by identity.
They haven’t transcended identity,
those who transmigrate through birth and death. | 199p_19Th2_267Kālaṁ kālaṁ bhavābhavaṁ,
sakkāyasmiṁ purakkhatā;
Avītivattā sakkāyaṁ,
jātimaraṇasārino. |
200All the world is on fire,
all the world is alight,
all the world is ablaze,
all the world is rocking. | 200p_19Th2_268Sabbo ādīpito loko,
sabbo loko padīpito;
Sabbo pajjalito loko,
sabbo loko pakampito. |
The Buddha taught me the Dhamma,
unshakable, incomparable,
not frequented by ordinary people;
my mind adores that place. | 201p_19Th2_269Akampiyaṁ atuliyaṁ,
Buddho dhammamadesesi,
tattha me nirato mano. |
After hearing his words,
I happily did his bidding.
I’ve attained the three knowledges,
and fulfilled the Buddha’s instructions. | 202p_19Th2_270Tassāhaṁ vacanaṁ sutvā,
vihariṁ sāsane ratā;
Tisso vijjā anuppattā,
kataṁ buddhassa sāsanaṁ. |
Relishing is destroyed in every respect,
and the mass of darkness is shattered.
So know this, Wicked One:
you’re beaten, terminator!” | 203p_19Th2_271Sabbattha vihatā nandī,
tamokhandho padālito;
Evaṁ jānāhi pāpima,
nihato tvamasi antaka". |