
Khuddaka Nikāya - The Minor Texts

Therigatha - The Verses of the Elder Nuns

Chapter 9: The Book of the Nines

Vaḍḍha’s Mother

204 “Vaḍḍha, please never ever
get entangled in the world.
My child, do not partake
in suffering again and again.

204p_19Th2_274"Mā su te vaḍḍha lokamhi,
vanatho āhu kudācanaṁ;
Mā puttaka punappunaṁ,
ahu dukkhassa bhāgimā.

205 For happy dwell the sages, Vaḍḍha,
unstirred, their doubts cut off,
cooled and tamed,
and free of defilements.

205 p_19Th2_275Sukhañhi vaḍḍha munayo,
anejā chinnasaṁsayā;
Sītibhūtā damappattā,
viharanti anāsavā.

206 Vaḍḍha, foster the path
that the hermits have walked,
for the attainment of vision,
and for making an end of suffering.”

206p_19Th2_276Tehānuciṇṇaṁ isībhi,
maggaṁ dassanapattiyā;
tvaṁ vaḍḍha anubrūhaya".

207 “Mother, you speak with such assurance
to me on this matter.
My dear mom, I can’t help thinking
that no entanglements are found in you.”

207p_19Th2_277"Visāradāva bhaṇasi,
etamatthaṁ janetti me;
Maññāmi nūna māmike,
vanatho te na vijjati".

208 “Vaḍḍha, not a jot or a skerrick
of entanglement is found in me
for any conditions at all,
whether low, high, or middling.

208p_19Th2_278"Ye keci vaḍḍha saṅkhārā,
hīnā ukkaṭṭhamajjhimā;
Aṇūpi aṇumattopi,
vanatho me na vijjati.

209 All defilements are ended for me,
meditating and diligent.
I’ve attained the three knowledges
and fulfilled the Buddha’s instructions.”

209p_19Th2_279Sabbe me āsavā khīṇā,
appamattassa jhāyato;
Tisso vijjā anuppattā,
kataṁ buddhassa sāsanaṁ".

210 “Oh so excellent was the goad
my mother spurred me with!
Owing to her compassion, she spoke
verses on the ultimate goal.

210p_19Th2_280"Uḷāraṁ vata me mātā,
patodaṁ samavassari;
Paramatthasañhitā gāthā,
yathāpi anukampikā.

211 On hearing her words,
advised by my mother,
I was struck with righteous urgency
for the sake of finding sanctuary.

211p_19Th2_281Tassāhaṁ vacanaṁ sutvā,
anusiṭṭhiṁ janettiyā;
yogakkhemassa pattiyā.

212 Striving, resolute,
tireless all day and night,
urged on by my mother,
I realized supreme peace.

212p_19Th2_282Sohaṁ padhānapahitatto,
Mātarā codito santo,
aphusiṁ santimuttamaṁ".